Magento error page Customization

1. Magento 404 error page
when I started looking outside I came to know that Magento has a built-in error page. Whenever a customer visits a non-existing page, he is automatically redirected to a built-in 404 error page. However, we can change the default error page to our own custom error page. It’s not a tough dance to dance. quick 5 steps to configure 404 error page.
Step 1. Magneto has a strong CMS section. We can set our own error page by using it. We can also set a custom error page by changing the no-route template. Log in to your Magento Admin Panel and point your browser to CMS > Pages.
Step 2: Now open the page named 404 not found 1
Step 3: You will see that the Page information menu is active. Check the status as to whether it’s enabled or not. If it’s enabled then the content on this page will be shown or else the error page will show the content of no-routee.phtml file from your template directory or as specified in your layout file.
Step 4: From the left navigation panel, click on content. The content will be shown in
the editor. Click on Show/Hide Editor button to disable the visual editor.
Step 5: Now replace the content from the editor with your own content
and we are done with 404 error page layout change.
2. Magento 503 error page
Add the following rule to the start of your Magento .htaccess

  1. RewriteRule ^report/.* 503.html [L,R=503]  

  1. ############################################  
  2. ## rewrite errors to 503 error document  
  3.     RewriteRule ^report/.* 503.html [L,R=503]  
This will then redirect any requests for an error report page using a 503 response code (Service Unavailable) and display the 503.html page in place of the standard Magento page. Similarly we can create page that will custom error message for 500 error.
3. Magento 500 error page.

  1. ############################################  
  2.   RewriteRule ^report/.* 500.html [L,R=503]  
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