magento country flag
Magento is a new professional open-source eCommerce solution offering unprecedented flexibility and control. To show country flags in website header or footer section. Quick and easy steps to add country flags in header / footer are as follows.
< ?php if(count($this->getGroups())>1): ?>
<div id="countrySelector" class="w940 mT10">
< ?php foreach ($this->getGroups() as $_group): ?>
<a alt="<?php echo $this->htmlEscape($_group->getName()) ?>" hre="" f="< ?php echo $_group->getHomeUrl(); ?>">
<img sr="" c="<?php echo $this-/>getSkinUrl('images/flag' . $this->htmlEscape($_group->getName()) . '.png') ?>" alt="< ?php echo $this->htmlEscape($_group->getName()) ?>" height="18" width="26">
< ?php endforeach; ?>
< ?php endif; ?>